Mobile offline - how to retrieve UserRole?

Hello. We are planning to build an offline mobile application, comparing to online it have multiple limitations.   1)How to determine or retrieve user role for current user? 2)How to determine and retrieve users list with particular user role? E.g i need to display and select users depending on theirs user roles, so how to implement this, since in offline we cannot use * – * associations and retrieve user role data.   Thank you in advance.
4 answers

I would look into creating a specific ‘offline’ entity that is connected to each account. That way you can retrieve the account over asscociation in a nanoflow and after this retrieve the specific userroles of that user.


Found a possible workaround.

Created a separate UserRole entity with association to Account 1 – *, and settedup Before Commit Action in microflow on saving account entity, this action will take System.UserRole and store its name in to custom UserRole object.


Looking to solve the same problem, anybody have any suggestions for best practices?  Alternatively, is there a way to set a default role when a new account is created?  I’m testing out adding an after create microflow on the Account entity that adds the user role desired.


Late answer but for someone who might have this issue in the future: I used the rolebased homepages. I created a Nanoflow for each role. In this Nanoflow you can set / create a helper or set attribute for later use.
