Starting app ... screen is shown after 8 seconds

We have created a mobile app which have few minor issues. One of it is that after starting the app the “Starting app …” message is shown again. This happens on both iOS and Android devices. We can reproduce it and only happens one time after around 8 seconds when the app has started. To better understand how our app is starting read below description. When starting the app we are authenticating to Azure AD via SAML. We used the Mendix documentation for it I have to mention we are using an older javascript code as the current one is closing the app on Android devices. After authenticating with Azure AD the app is started. Then after around 8 seconds of browsing in the app the screen “Starting app …” appears. I think it has to do something with the javascript as you can see it opens a webbrowser (the white screens at the login process) but it is not closed correctly or with a delay. Anyone else had/have this issue? And ofcourse how to fix it :)  Attached also a video when starting the app till the 2nd “Starting app …” screen. Video
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