iOS 13.1 Scrollbar appearing after taking photos

Hello guys,  I updated my device to iOS 13.1 and noticed that after I take a foto by PhoneGap Camera widget, somehow Scrollbar appears on the whole application. Before the update to iOS 13.1 (iOS 12), that was not the case.  There were no changes.   Any idea why this is so after the update to iOS 13.1.    Kind regards, David
5 answers

Hi David, I solved the problem (temporarily) in the Mendix project by putting a javascript snippet in the page(s) with the camera widget. In the js snippet:
That refreshes the statusbar. It is not a good way, but fixes the problem until the cordova-plugin-statusbar is corrected.


Hi David, fyi we're running mx 7.23.3 and I have not seen this issue on iOS13.1. Try using the inspector to see which element is causing the scroll, and then take it from there.  


Strange, have you tried setting the scroll behavior of the scroll container to ‘Per region’ in your mobile navigation layout?


Hi David, I have exactly the same problem. Occuring after updating to IOS 13.1

It seems to be the cordova-plugin-statusbar that is causing the problem. I found more information here: 

I did not yet solve it within the Mendix project. 


I’ve just noticed the error message when you are using the Web app and have implemented the workaround from above:

With the following the error has been solved: 

if (window.StatusBar){

