How to debug an iOS 13 mobile app?

I would like to debug a Mendix mobile app. Unfortunately the new developer certificates generated by Apple crash the phonegap build compiler. It is still possible to use the older type developer certificates, but apps using these cannot be installed via iTunes on iOS13. This is currently preventing me from debugging on iOS 13. Since iOS 13 is already live, I am wondering how to get a Mendix development app installed on iOS 13 so that I can debug using a Mac with Safari.
3 answers

Hi Wouter, 

You can install the app on your iOS device using the barcode scanner. After the PhoneGap builder generates an app, you will have a barcode related to that app and simply scan that code. It works perfectly in my case.


Hello David,

Thank you for your reply. Your solution works when I use an iPad with iOS 12, but fails when I use an iPad with iOS 13.

Both iPads have been registered with the Apple developer program. The app that I have used to test your solution is a development version of the app using Pre XCode 11 certificates. Post XCode 11 certificates crash the build process in Phonegap Build when building development versions of the app.


Has anyone been able to debug a mobile hybrid app on iOS 13 using the safari browser?
