Question regarding mendix native development

I require help to make a native mobile app in mendix. We facing lots of challenges in mendix studio pro 8.3 1.Language translation : In Web responsive i can implement that but facing problem while developing that for native mobile app. For Native i cannot use the administrative module account over view page where i can select language. I am trying other way around to solve this.Like getting the current account object from the nano flow and changing the language of user for the user and save it. Its not working Please provide the best possible way to do language translation in mendix native mobile app. 2.Side Menu: In native i cannot use the menu component.Only bottom bar is there in navigation.No side bar is there like responsive and hybrid app. So how to implement a hamburger menu for native mobile app? 3.Calling external rest service: I cannot call rest service in nanoflow and also cannot call a microflow in native page. Please tell us the best way to integrated web service in native pages in mendix 4.The forgot password,email, deeplinking,map feature for native mobile 5.LDAP module for native Please help me on this issues
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