Hybrid mobile app doesnt show homepage on iOS when using custom widget

Hi, We have built a hybrid mobile app for one of our clients that contains a custom built widget. Unfortunately we are now running into the issue that, after building the app with PhoneGap, on iOS (Android and all browsers are fine) the loading screen does not show up and the user is ‘stuck’ in the splash screen with the message ‘loading up’. We have confirmed that the app works when we remove the custom widget, so the issue seems to be in the interplay between the widget/PhoneGap/iOS. Some extra information that might help: For the navigation to the home page we have built a custom microflow and when we debug we can see that also for iOS this microflow is fully executed without any errors, just when the screen should load nothing happens. The widget in question is not on this home page. The only custom Cordova/PhoneGap configuration we have is: <allow-intent href="*" /> <allow-navigation href="*" /> Has anyone else encountered something similar before? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
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