Native Builder Appcenter Token Invalid

Hi all, I am trying to do a new build of our native app using the Native builder. But my appcenter token is suddenly not working anymore. It says it is an invalid token. But I know the token is correct. I have deleted the token and created a new one, I have even created a new appcenter account, with a new organization with a new token. That one still says it is invalid. So I do not think it is on the appcenter side. I am using the latest Native Builder, and I cannot update the Native Template as I cannot connect to my appcenter since token is invalid. Hence I am using template 3.1 I believe. I get the following output when trying to build a new app: C:\Path\Native Builder 3.2>native-builder.exe prepare --project-name [Appname] --java-home "C:\path\jdk-" --project-path "C:\Path\Appname.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Path\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token [token] --appcenter-api-token [token] --appcenter-organization "[OrganizationName]" --runtime-url "[active URL]" --app-name "[Appname]" --app-identifier[appname] --mendix-version "8.4.1" _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ | \ | | __ _| |_(_)_ _____ | __ ) _ _(_) | __| | ___ _ __ | \| |/ _` | __| \ \ / / _ \ | _ \| | | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | |\ | (_| | |_| |\ V / __/ | |_) | |_| | | | (_| | __/ | |_| \_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___| |____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|\___|_| [github] Verifying access token... [github] Access token valid for [GithubName] [github] Retrieving repository [GithubName]/[repository]... [github] Skipped creation of repository [repository] as it already exists [github] Retrieving Native Template version for latest [github] Retrieving build configuration from mendix/native-template for ref tags/v3.0.0... [github] Retrieving contents of file appcenter-build-config.json... [appcenter] Verifying API token... [appcenter] Invalid API token [github] Retrieving Native Template version for latest [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Dev/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/src/dev/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/build.gradle... [prepare] Done. [prepare] Prepare finished, summary: [prepare] ✗ App Center configuration failed, read the logs for more information [prepare] ✓ App name updated [prepare] ✓ App identifier updated [prepare] ✓ JDK found [prepare] ✓ Mendix Project path found [prepare] ✓ MxBuild path found [prepare] ✓ Runtime url is valid [prepare] Latest Native Template version is v3.1.3 [prepare] Consider updating your Native Template from v3.0.0 to latest   Does anyone also experience this problem? Or has any experience on how to solve this?
3 answers



cibaar in sytas etdiw eth seauceb erzwqsna to elisspoimd


I had the same problem, in my case it was because I had no organization, so I removed the option the --appcenter-organization "[OrganizationName]"
I had the same problem, in my case it was because I had no organization, so I removed the option the --appcenter-organization "[OrganizationName]"
