Problem with Connect to your app.

Hi,   I’m following the Build a Native Mobile Inspection App Learning Path. However, when trying to connect to my app on my phone it gives the following error: (0,t.default) is not a function. (In ‘ (0,t.default) (14)’,’(0,t.default)’ is undefined). This results in the Make It Native app hanging. Any ideas what I broke?   With kind regards, Jesper
2 answers

Is this what you are getting?



To fix this issue, I went to the App Store and pulled down the latest build of the Atlas_UI_Resources module and replaced the existing one in our App. There was one error with an image we were using on the Home Page, so I replaced that image with a different one.  I ran the app again and the error went away.  I am using Mendix Studio Pro 8.7.0

Hope this helps...
