Problem with forms and close page/swipe back function

Hello, We are building a mobile app in mendix 8.6.0 and we have a problem. We have a flow where users fill in some forms and then submit a claim. After the submit we lead them back to the homepage. The problem is that from here, it is possible to swipe back through the forms that were just submitted.  One solution would be to close every page before opening a new one. But:  to close a page in the nanoflow before opening a new one doesn't look very good, because for a split second the old page.  Is there another solution for this problem? For example, is it possible to disable the function to swipe back on some pages? Thanks, Thijs  
2 answers

That is something we are working on to give more control. There is currently no real elegant approach.

Keep checking on the release notes, I hope we can share something with 8.9, but not fully sure yet as we are exploring some concepts/ideas


Could you add an “isSubmitted” attribute and use this for conditional visibility to only show those pages if it’s not been submitted? You could also have conditional content to show on those pages if they have been submitted.
