Hybrid app pointing at wrong environment

Hi all,  Currently building a hybrid app and as I am using SAML SSO I have to make changes to the package before uploading to phonegap. When creating the mobile app I am using the “Do it yourself” option to download the package and then repackage using npm. When I use the “Do it yourself” method, and select Acceptance as the environment when I install the app on my phone it points to production.  Using the “Build in the cloud” method, it points to Acceptance.  I’ve done some troubleshooting by doing the “Do it yourself” method and making no changes, then repackaging and uploading to phonegap, so in theory, it should be identical to the build in the cloud method. But this points to production, not acceptance.  My feeling is that there is an issue with “Do it yourself” that although Acceptance has been selected it downloads the production package. Just wanted to check I was not missing anything, I will also submit a ticket and see if it’s a bug.  If anyone has any thoughts let me know! Many thanks.  Garion
1 answers

You're right. ‘Do it yourself’ gives you the straight forward package for you to customize, including the endpoints.

In my opinion this is not really a bug, but the environment dropdown just shouldn't be available when selecting ‘Do it yourself’. Since you'll have to build it manually with npm anyway, you can create a release for a specific environment with `--env-target=test` after your npm command
