Offline/Online functionality hybrid app

Hi all,  Two questions about hybrid apps. We are using a hybrid app because as far as I know SAML SSO does not work with Native app.  Can you have both online and offline profiles in the same app? If yes, can the app switch between the two during the same session?   I have an existing app that we would like to have offline functionality, the app has been built fully online so I’ve created a new module just for the hybrid offline and sideloaded the apk onto my phone.  While my phone is offline it does not allow the app to initialize, the console error shows “failed to sync and startup” While online it works as normal, disconnecting the device from the internet causes the app to freeze with a loading icon and need reloading (even when you re-establish and internet connection). Many thanks,  Garion
2 answers

Hi Garion, Hybrid apps are built in either connected or offline mode. If you need offline capabilities, then you need to check the Enable offline capabilities? settings in developer portal. 


Hi Garion,

Yes, you can have two profiles in your app project, an offline and an online profile. But as far as I know, the app package you install on your phone will be one of them, either offline or online. Not both.
