How to run native app in background and display local notifications

I have a native app and it contains a nanoflow which checks some values from database after every 10 seconds and generate local notifications based on a condition on those values. Use case is to notify users of any out of range values even when app is in background. This operation is controlled by a nanoflow and user decides when to run this nanoflow (with a button on app home page) Now if user taps the button to run this nanoflow and then goes to mobile home screen (app goes to background), this nanoflow terminates. I want it to keep executing until it is finished like when app is running in foreground? How to achieve this in Mendix native apps? Value checking and notifications are working fine as long as app stays running in foreground. But it stops working when app goes to background. I don’t want to use push/remote notifications as the requirement will be different for each user based on local app data.
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