Native Builder : OTA Updates

Hey everyone, I’ve recently been able to run the Native Builder prepare & build commands successfully and was able to get my native app’s apk file from the Visual Studio App Center. Below is the prepare command that I used: native-builder.exe prepare --project-name F1-NativeApp --java-home "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" --project-path "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\F1-NativeAppBranch\MembershipManagement.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --appcenter-api-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --appcenter-organization "XXXXX" --runtime-url "" --app-name "F1-NativeApp" --app-identifier "com.mendix.F1NativeApp" --mendix-version "8.8.0"   Below is the build command that I used: native-builder.exe build --project-name F1-NativeApp --build-number 1 --app-version 0.1.0 --java-home "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" --project-path "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\F1-NativeAppBranch\MembershipManagement.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --appcenter-api-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --runtime-url ""   The 2 commands above worked fine. But when I try to perform an OTA update using the below push-update command: native-builder.exe release push-update --project-name "F1-NativeApp" --target-version "0.1.0" --build-number 1 --rollout-percentage 100 --java-home "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" --project-path "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\F1-NativeAppBranch\MembershipManagement.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --appcenter-api-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --platform android --mandatory I get this message on my cmd: Really confused as to what I’m missing here. Also, the documentation that I am following is this : I have also submitted a Support Ticket to find out if the app needs to be signed by a keystore and released first or not for OTA updates to work and the reply I got is that it should be able to work even on an app that has NOT been released/published. Any help would be much appreciated.
1 answers

Here is a screenshot of the build branch created from the build command and it’s build configuration:
