Add several listview entries of a table to an entry of another table

Hi guys, I’m fighting with this problem no long and hope that anybody can help me out. First of all, I’m using a hybrid online page with a free mendix licence. To the Problem: I have two Entities ( Testspec & Testcases). One Testspec can have several Testcases. It should be possible, that the user can add existing Testcases to a single Testspec. (Just mapping, not new creating of testcases) Of course I have to use the associations to connect testspec with testcases. I tried this with this pages (Screenshots on dropbox): The first shows an overview of testspec, the detail page shows, which testcases the selecet entry are mapped. in the third you can see the screen with which you should can add existing testcases to the testspec. If i use this there are just empty lines in the detail page. Can anybody help me? BR Tobias  
2 answers

In the dataview of a testspec you can place a grid with testcases. Use over association to retrieve the objects. Place a new button to create new testcases. They will now already be associated to the testspecs. If you drop me a line I have a quick testproject for you. From the dropbox pictures it is not really clear which mistake you make. It seems you already created the page over association. Only the first picture seems wrong because their you do a retrieve from database instead of over association.





OK. I think I made everything right.

Maybe this makes it clearer:

