Version overview in Control Center - Mendix Forum

Version overview in Control Center


In the Mendix Control Center Dashboard is a graphic overview of versions in use in your organisation. It would be helpful if a list of the relevant apps can be shown there. To manage the upgrades to higher versions it’s our wish to see the concerned apps.

2 answers

Hi Berend,

Thanks for your reaction. Because I’m mainly interested in our paid apps I use the Excel Export from the “Cloud” page for that. But your suggestion as an intermediate solution is certainly doable. Thanks again.

Regards, Erik. 


Hey Erik,

Thanks for addressing your idea!

I'm afraid there will be no intermediate action on it, but it sounds like a great idea for future improvement.
Your post has been added to the collection list to evaluate.

It would be great if you could also share a more details here, on how having this functionality will improve your experience. So the Product team could better understand your use case. 


As a intermediate resolution, in Control Center within the ‘Apps’ page it is possible export the whole app landscape to excel, where the ‘app version’ is given. See Control Center Documentation
Curious to know if this capability supports your requested idea, to have a overview of the app versions used in the app landscape of your organisation.


Kind Regards,

Berend Scheffers

Product Manager, Mendix Control Center
