Be able to use the Open Telemetry framework to monitor and obeserve. - Mendix Forum

Be able to use the Open Telemetry framework to monitor and obeserve.


Open Telemetry is a framework to make applications observable. At the moment in Mendix you could use JMX to have some metrics (which is monitoring) and combine these metrics in something observable.


For application monitoring this is a nice thing.


But when your mendix application is part of a bigger valuechain it would be nice if there was a standard which supports this observability beyond your own application only. It would give you an opportunity to home in on the cause of any disturbance much more easily and focused. 


It would be nice if Mendix would support the open telemetry standard in their platform so these complex chains could be observed and monitored even when a Mendix application is part of it.

2 answers

This would be nice. I would use it to collect everything from the landscape into InfluxDB.


Nice idea! Would love to have this for my applications!
