Export Logging

Hi all, I have two questions. Which procedure should I follow, when I deploy a Mendix Application to cloud other than Mendix cloud(such as Azure cloud)?  The one below or the one for the Mendix cloud? https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/monitoring-mendix-runtime   Is there any way that I can export the logging as a file or to save the logging to database? 
1 answers


Have not used Azure before but we have set up a Mx server with AWS

We used the image provided by Mx and mostly followed this guide in the repo for m2ee deployment tools


In terms of logging the config files will let you choose a log file if you go down this route.  I imagine whatever image Mx provide for Azure will be Linux based and have the same tooling


A few things we have done for logs and some points about it

* Log files on server - Good option but needed ssh and skill to search

* Logging module - Saves logs to DB can require a lot of space and be slow to search


* Send logs to logsatsh backed external source - Requires custom code but gives a very good search experience

* APM/APD - logs are saved but not searchable very useful for monitoring performance though. Also quite expensive


TL;DR if you have a lot of logs something like logstash is really helpful


