Debugger on test environment stays connected for several days

Hii all, Today I had an strange issue where one of my co-workers forgot to disconnect his debugger last friday It seems that he forgot to turn off his computer and all of the actions were stopped because of his breakpoint in his local modeler. Does anyone know how long this session stays active? And is there a way to let it disconnect automatically after for example 3 hours? To me it would feel like a security breach as well, since you can have an open connection to your environment for as long as you want.
3 answers

Hey there,

have you tried turning off the debugger in the environment in the modeler? This should normally remove the link to the local modeler. Otherwise do a restart of the environment.


As you already found out debugger does not disconnect automatically.
So if you set a breakpoint and close the modeler, there is no way to remove the breakpoint anymore.

You have to restart the environment. Yet another reason not to use the debugger on production.

This would be a nice idea for the idea forum.


Hi Geoffrey,


Thanks for coming back to me. I restarted the environment and that helped disconnecting the session. I am looking for a more future proof solution, so that I dont have to worry that me or my collegeaus forget to disconnect.


To me it is strange behaviour that it doesn't disconnect after a few hours. Just as he does when you use your authenticator when changing stuff on production.
