Template grid

Hi,   I would like to ask a question regarding template grid. I have managed to show my sensor values in a template grid, and by using a microflow timer it is able to update.    However, I was expecting it to update each column. It is only affecting the first row only. I want it such that it updates each column each time sensor value updates so that I am able to export the data to Excel. I was able to export the first row to excel but this is not up to my standards. Kindly advice on this please.
2 answers

Hi Andy Neo,

Can you post screenshot of the microflow that you have used in microflow timer.


Vignesh Rajan.


Hi Vignesh Rajan,

Microflow, “testing” is my microflow for the microflow timer. 



Microflow “Callatestfield” is the microflow to store the sensor data collected from the IOT Platform. 



For my template grid, I arranged it this way for my microflow timer to work.

Microflow “callatestfield2” is for my template grid.


I hope you could give me some advice on how do I solve this issue please. 
