MVC // Toggle refresh for native chat app in recipient native client??

Dear all, Working on a chat app and I was pondering what would be the best way to inform client B about client A just having sent a message; in other words, classic MVC. I see no Nanoflow Timer is available for periodic refetches. Best would be to refresh the sessions of all devices connected to the ChatThread, but is that possible in Mendix? Any tips/suggestions are welcome. Thanks beforehand! Best regards, Wouter
3 answers

Adding some research so far: I have taken a look at the Pusher module, and will try that in a bit. Push notifications are not what I need right here, at the moment, but I can see a use case for push notifications in future, but only when the native client is not active. Looking for experiences and ideas, especially for native, as the posts on this forum about pushing content, as well as the modules itself are 2+ years. Thanks! 


Adding another couple of findings: the Pusher module is web-client only, not for Native React apps.

I have got a basic version working by using the AppEvents widget, which has a timer function, but that seems to be very much logic for something as simple as a chat message. Nevertheless, since this is a simple research project, I will stick to that one for now.


Okay, clear! Thank you!
