Autocommit logging since Mx9 migration

Hello all,   I have a question regarding the following logging: Some autocommitted objects still existed on logout for session [Current_User]. Autocommitted objects are newly created objects which were not yet committed, but are inserted into the database because an associated object was committed. Autocommitted objects should explicitly have been committed, please check your model and apply the necessary changes. The autocommitted objects have been deleted from the database to prevent database corruption.Number of autocommitted objects per type which still existed for this session: - System.AutoCommitEntry: 8 object(s).   Last Tuesday we placed a update from version Mx8.18.1 to version Mx9.9.2 and since then we recieve these logging messages from a external webservice microflow. There were no functional changes between the 2 deployment packages, only the fixes required for store-modules updates.  Does anyone have a clue how to find the object(s) that dont get commited or another solution for those messages  
4 answers

Hi Niek,

I dont know why the issue occurs, but it would be worth a try to go to the 9.12 MTS version of Mendix and see if that solves the issue.

The only other option i see is to look into the way you are committing objects in your microflows, see for tips and inspiration.

I hope this helps.


Rather then you ‘get this error from an external source’, likely you get this during processing the response of that external call. You can check the error-message to see the objects that get deleted, then find out where they get created, then add a commit. That is the usual way of solving this error.

Version 8 and 9 seem to treat autocommitting in the same fashion:


Hi we have exactly the same error since our upgrade to 9.12.3. Did you find any solution already?


Hi all,


Just encountered this same autocommit message in yesterday's logs.

It happened a total of 4 times.

The project is currently being upgraded to Mendix 9.12.6 which is were the issue occured.


Just like Jitze I'd like to know if anyone found an explanation or solution to this.


