Why do some log messages do not get printed?

Hello Mendix Forum, When we are running a process queue we notice that some of the logs are not being printed but the microflow process still shows as successful. Why does the logs skip? For example we will see a log message saying 5 and then the next log message would show up as 7, it would skip the 6 .     Thanks,  Ian     
2 answers

The logs are rate limited which means it limit the number of messages that gets logged per second. But I have not enough information to determine that you are logging too many messages at the same time. You would see in the logs a message if this rate limit has been triggered

Do you have a screenshot of the microflow, with the logging message and a copy of that part of the logs?


The following screenshot contains the logs transcript, the other screenshots are the log messages in the microflow.

The order of the following log messages starts with the process queue(1) which calls a microflow(2)  that will also produce logs messages and this current microflow (2) will call a microflow (3) in a loop and this microflow (3) also produces logs. Microflow (3) will be looped for 29 times.  

