Something went wrong. Kindly reload the page. If the problem persists, try after sometime. Alert in mendix

Application is running in mendix cloud. At particular time, it is showing below CRITICAL LOG alert. ”Something went wrong. Kindly reload the page. If the problem persists, try after sometime.” Anyone help to troubleshoot this issue. Type Critical Logs Last state change 5/24/2022, 8:54 AM Details CRITICAL: Critical errors count is 2.  
1 answers

You get these alerts due to logs in your application being logged as "Critical". From our documentation

If any logging is done on the CRITICAL level, the alerts status always directly switches to Critical. The critical log message counter will only be reset when restarting the application process.

Thus, if you get such an alert, you can take a look at your logs and look for the logs logged at the “Critical” level. Without those logs, it is impossible for us to know what’s wrong. We can help you investigate if you share those logs :)
