Profiling Module and the IProfile interface

I have a request to be able to monitor database queries and other usage information from one of my applications running on a production environment in the Mendix cloud. The other day, as I was writing this feature,  I stumbled across the IProfiler interface in the Java Docs and I thought this could be a Mendix feature that was meant to satisfy a similar request as above.   The Java docs for the interface mention the “Profiling Module”, but I tried searching the Mendix App Store for this module and was unable to find it. Did this module ever make it to the app store? Or was this perhaps an idea that never fully made it to fruition?
1 answers

The IProfiler interface is indeed a feature in the Mendix platform that allows you to monitor database queries and other usage information in your application. However, the Profiling Module that is mentioned in the Java Docs is not available in the Mendix App Store and is not a standalone module that can be installed in your application.

The Profiling Module is actually a part of the Mendix Runtime, and it is used by Mendix Support to troubleshoot performance and other issues in customer applications. The module is not publicly available and cannot be used directly by customers.

However, there are other ways to monitor database queries and usage information in your Mendix application. For example, you can use the Mendix Performance Monitor module, which provides real-time insights into the performance of your application, including database queries and other usage information. This module is available in the Mendix App Store and can be installed in your application.

Additionally, you can use other third-party monitoring tools, such as New Relic or AppDynamics, to monitor your Mendix application and get insights into its performance and usage.
