Manually update dashboard

Hello,  I have the problem that on my Mendix Dashboard graphics, text fields and all sorts of things do not automatically show the latest values. I have to reload the page again and again to see the current values. Is there a setting that automatically updates this?
4 answers

Hi Sophia,

  • In Mendix, elements on the dashboard may not automatically show the latest values due to caching.
  • Alternatively, you can refresh the data on page load using microflows:
    • Create a microflow to retrieve the latest data and update the relevant entities.
    • Add an "On Page Load" microflow trigger to the dashboard page and link it to the microflow.
  • For true real-time updates, consider using WebSocket or Server-Sent Events (SSE):
    • Implementing real-time updates may require custom development and external libraries or modules.
    • WebSocket and SSE enable the server to push updates to the client without client-side requests.
    • you can also try the real time connector widget –

Hi Sophia,


You can use the Microflow Timer widget for this. The widget lets you periodically trigger a microflow/nanoflow, which can automatically refresh your data. Note that you should be careful with frequency, number of users and how heavy your refresh is, as it can negatively impact the performance of your application.


Hope this helps!


I configured it like this :

and placed the microflow timer widget in a data view with the properties of the Microflow RecentVariableValues_M2. I get the error: Microflow should have one parameter of type MyFirstModule.RecentVariables (thats the return type entity of the object i am returning in the microflow)


The widget is inside a dataview:

The Microflow returns an Objekt of the entity RecentVariables:

