Memory usage on basic node critical while doing nothing?

We are using a basic node for our PoC. we are continuously getting error emails, even when nobody is using the application.   below screenshot from the metrics page. and email from mendix   This is an alert for a Mendix Cloud application that you are subscribed to. Application:  LcNz - MotherTrucking Environment:  Production UUID:         *** Url:             *** Service:      Application Container Memory Percentage Status:       Critical Details: CRITICAL: Application container *** - Instance Index: 0 has high memory usage: 95.6         *update   after running today, our app restarted itself multiple times (see images of the graphs going down, then up again), as soon as 2 users start doing things the app seems to run out of memory very fast, and then just resets. and this email: Dear Jason Teunissen, This is an alert for a Mendix Cloud application that you are subscribed to. Application: LcNz - MotherTrucking Environment: Production UUID: *** Url: ht*** Service: Application Container Memory Percentage Status: Recovery Details: INFORMATIONAL: Application container*** - Instance Index: 0 has high memory usage: 87.4     scheduled events screenshot:
2 answers

Do note that when you have a lot of modules in your app (ie the size of your app, how many attributes etc) does also influance the space needed. And you should look at the Application node operating system memory graph. The JVM graphs look fine to me. The Application node operating system memory will always max out imho. And indeed the warnings from Mendix I always ignore unless they are above the 96 % mark. To me it always looks like the system will cache the often used pages etc and will keep those in memory as long as it can. Only when something memory consuming is happening it will start to free up memory. But if the system restarts by itself I would check the logs and try to pinpoint what the system was doing at the time. And you know you can always give me a call if you want me to look the app over.






Hello Ronald,

I too started getting the same Warning and Critical alerts since I deployed my changes to Production today. The error I got is on 'Application Container Memory Percentage'. 
Instance Index: 0 has high memory usage: 95.1

The moment application was restarted, memory spiked up and is consistent between 95-96%. It is no where coming down. However there is no issue reported from users so far. 

The application has only one instance of node. Is it safe and good thought to have application running this way or can you suggest other ways to identify the root cause or solution to this please


