Excessive Battery Drain in Mendix iPad App

We're encountering an issue with our iPad application where users are reporting significant battery drain during usage. Approximately 50% of the battery is consumed after just 1.5 hours of app usage. Currently, we're investigating potential causes behind this excessive battery usage. Our hypothesis revolves around two factors: the number of commits and the number of units in memory. Is there a method to determine which of these factors, or potentially other elements, is contributing most significantly to the energy consumption in our case?
3 answers

You can use parts of Xcode to analyze what's up with your app. I haven't done this myself but I'm finding the following suggestion online:


  • You can use Intruments in Xcode and choose the Energy template. When interacting with your app you can monitor this for power spikes
  • Time Profiler helps you look for which functions consume the most CPU time
  • The Leaks instrument helps you look for memory leaks, which could of course also impact battery.


Apple's own documentation on monitoring battery usage

There are also ways to monitor network activity (like Wireshark) if you suspect that might be the issue, though I'm not sure how those work together with Apple. Maybe someone else can elaborate on that part.


A usual suspect for battery drainage is client side polling. Check if the App Events widget is used in your app. Timeout events will stack up if used on several pages and constantly request the server for data, thereby draining the battery quickly.


Thanks for the suggestions! Just to clarify, our app is actually web-based and accessed through an iPad browser rather than being a standalone iPad application. Any insights specific to web-based apps on iPad browsers would be greatly appreciated!
