Is it possible to instrument microflows using New Relic

I have installled and configured the Java Agent - and am seeing some RPM data in NR   However transaction data is limited to the following:   HttpAdminHandler RuntimeServlet com.mendix.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusServlet/init com.mendix.m2ee.appcontainer.server.handler.HttpAdminHandler/init   Digging down into RuntimeServlet yields some SQL transaction and some other Java specific internals, but no microflow instrumentation?   I have read another post saying this is because Mendix is unsupported framework. If this is the case it almost completely negates the value of NR in my view.   Am I missing something?   I know there is APD in the marketplace, but if possible I'd like to leverage New Relic.      
1 answers

Hello, you will only be able to use New Relic if your environment is Mendix Cloud or on premises. In other environments such as Kubernetes, it is not possible, since Java Agents do not respect the settings for security reasons.

Here is the documentation for Mendix Cloud

And here for on-premises -








