Database freespace warning

Hi all, one of the applications i work on has a database freespace warning.   Looking at the metrics i can see that the database used memory is increasing at a steady pace, which is expected from this app due to the amount of data that is processed and stored.    My question is, would restoring the database free up some memory, working in a similar way to de-fragmenting a hard drive?   Please see below a screenshot of the database disk usage over the past quarter. Considering the current usage, i estimate another years worth of free space. The container purchased is on a XL-20 plan
1 answers

Hi Talhah,


A restore of a database backup used to free up some space (since Mendix didn't perform Vacuum on the database), not sure if that is still case on Mendix Cloud.


You can give this a try by restoring the database of Acceptance first. My guess is that it will still allow you to reclaim some free space (disk space, not memory space)


With kind regards, Stephan
