Mendix Free Apps Archival

I am getting email regarding Free App will be archived unless it has been run (resumed) in, or a new version is published to, the Mendix Cloud before then. I checked on below link and as per this there are two ways to prevent free app being archived, out of which one is to Visit the Free app. My question is what is mean by 'Visiting App' is this visiting the application using URL of my site or visiting the App folder on . I am asking this because I am accessing the application using the application URL daily and still getting this Archival email. Kindly suggest what to do to prevent my Free App to archive.
1 answers

Hi Amit,

If you don’t open the your application in MX Studio Pro from mendix server from last 3 months then you get this email.


For Prevent this,

Go to mendix site -> search your application->

open that in mx studio pro -> run the application.


Additionally try to add miner changes & commit them.


Hope you like the a
