Contents of Your daily digest notification emails

I have set my Mendix profile to receive daily digest emails. These emails contain information about people joining the company and new apps that have been created. Furthermore we get information about New Issues, based on Feedback that people have raised for a certain application. However I found that we don't get feedback information in these daily digest emails for all apps. Where can I configure for which apps I want to receive what information (i.e. user stories, feedback items, ....) in the daily digest emails?
2 answers

I might be wrong here but if you are part of the team for that app you should receive the daily updates. It seems you can only set this option in your account settings (My Profile). It might be a usefull feature though that you would be able to set this on app level instead of My profile level. If you are part of the team for an app and you do not receive your daily digest I would suggest to file a bug report.





Mendix support found that the issue was on their side, in the process that creates the Daily digest emails. It has been fixed in the meantime.
