How to read AWS data in Mendix.

I deployed few of my mendix apps in to AWS cloud. I am creating a dashboard in Mendix to list few KPIs like How many apps are running in production, brief introduction about those apps etc. I want to get the information about " How many apps running in production along with their name"  at runtime and since all these Apps are running on AWS,  I believe AWS has all this information available in it and can feed to mendix app. The ask is - how can I achieve this technically in my mendix modeler. Do I need any API to get data from AWS? Any clues/insights are appreciated!
2 answers

If you want barebone information on the status of the AWS instances you could use the DescribeInstanceStatus api call.

If you want Mendix specific information, you could include a odata/service in each app which returns the desired app information. Next, via the DescribeInstances API call collect all the "hostnames" and call the odata/webservice of each instance to retrieve the app information.


Or you can use the teamserver api ( ) to retreive the information from SPRINTR. It needs an api key of your app to retreive it, but after that you can get a lot of info. We use the same approach to get an overview of all our apps including their not finished userstories.
