StateSizeWarningThreshold - The impact of this being incorrectly set

Hi all, I’ve been reviewing some logs and can see we have many of these messages in our logging. I’ve done some digging around the forums and looking at the Mendix documentation on this subject. Here here and here I understand it’s purpose is to identify any potential memory leaks. Anywhere we have a large number of objects that are not being disposed of correctly when they are no longer needed. Setting the value higher removes these messages but doesn’t address the issue directly. Setting the value lower will just result in more messages. Having to many objects in the client can degrade the performance of the application. My question is, what is the material impact of this, is it simply worse application performance? Can it manifest issues in other ways? Thanks Rich
1 answers

It has to do with the memory usage on the client and network traffic only.

Form the documentation:

Because all the objects necessary for a microflow are transferred between the Mendix Client and server for each request, the network traffic will grow when more objects are used at the same time. This can become a bottleneck, especially on mobile devices.

So having lots of objects in your requests will slow down your app, there aren’t other implications, but minimizing the amount of objects being transferred is desired. Try to adapt the logic so that the minimum amount of NPE’s and uncommitted objects are being transferred between server and client (minimize state)
