Useage stats

I want to create basic stats on how many times each page in an app was used. If a certain page is not used during a long period of time, we may decide to remove the page to lower maintenance costs. Currently I see two options for this: using an external commercial analytics provider like google analystics, or creating my own counter in every page (or in the page template). I also checked out APM, but that looks very performance focussed to me. I have the feeling that this is a but too much for what i am looking for. Are there options i missed? Any suggestions?  
2 answers

Third option: Creating your counter in a central place where every page call passes along. I am not certain if the requesthandler is the correct place, but it might work. Check out the answer to this question

Or maybe more to the point: Old, but still valid.


Connect to mx.ui.getContentForm’s onNavigation and populate a context object attribute mx.ui.getContentForm().path and pass that into a microflow for server processing. You dont need it on every page, just have it load in once
