When an operation fails for “security reasons”, Mendix doesn’t provide any info ; it would be very useful to know which access rule failed (at least the entity)
Hi Erik,
Unfortunately, there is no microflow, I’m just trying to delete an object, which has many relationships.
I had to disable cascade delete one by one until I was able to find which one was responsible for the security issue.
Each time I changed the model, I had to restart the app (not a fast frontend synchronization unfortunately), which takes 1min approx. The whole thing took almost 1 hour ..
IMHO the main weakness of Mendix is not to provide detailled enough error messages, which leads us to try to find error sources by debugging the app … It’s definitely something that Mendix could improve on easily ;)
If you breakpoint your microflows (and break up your microflows in smaller subflows), it should be fairly easy to pinpoint the culprit.
If the errors occur on a page, it might help out to copy the original page (as backup) and strip it of data until your error is no longer triggered. Alternatively, if you commit less changes every commit it’s easier to revert back to a functional version of your document.