Add error page for unsuccessful SSO login to Mendix platform - Mendix Forum

Add error page for unsuccessful SSO login to Mendix platform


If your company uses SSO module for sign in with checking manandary roles from own IAM, then e.g. in cognito it is only possible to send an error back to the callback URL in Mendix when role is missing


Unfortuneable in MENDIX there is no processing of this error. You only got an empty page or an “upps” page without showing the error message from OID2 client.


You only see the message in the URL parameter. But which user is chekcing this?


I would expext an errorpage which show the errror and the error description in a well formatted page.

3 answers

Thanks for sharing the suggestion. We will look into it.


Absolutely needed!


Everbodys needs this feature! :-)
