Briefly: let's have the access of System.User and System.UserRole entities allowed to manage as usually allowed for other Mendix entities, or at least close to them. (i.e. to set a read-only access)
Simple use case: to present a list of users with name and roles for the current user for purpose of information, that is, without permission to modify.
If you had such an assignment, currently you face several issues relating to achieving a proper access to the System.User fields. Why?
My basic proposal is the following: to let developers apply the usual access management at for this entities as well:
A) allow to assign additional module roles to System module and to have them assigned via specific entity access rules;
B) allow to refer to such attributes in the access rules of the Entities specializing User. (allows to specialize the UserRole entity itself)
Provide another simple solution allowing to set application roles with read-only access to attributes of the System.User and System.UserRole entities.
Certainly a good idea. Also allowing a 1-* relation from System.User to an entity in another module, please. And other stuff as posted long ago here.