I’m trying to set the passwords on accounts being created by SAML module in the CustomUserProvisioning microflow using the RandomStrongPassword function from the CommunityCommons library, but it’s causing the application throw an error and get stuck on a blank screen. Does anyone know if the SAML module automatically sets the password of new account to a strong random password? If it does, what’s the exact password policy the module is using to generate the password? I want to ensure the app is secure and inline with my company’s standards. From the log file: 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980071 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] CRITICAL - ActionManager: Error in execution of monitored action '{"name":"SAML20.CustomUserProvisioning","type":"Microflow"}' (execution id: c8210036-db83-43b6-af60-31bd79553d8a, execution type: CUSTOM) 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980097 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] CRITICAL - ActionManager: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(II)Ljava/lang/String; 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980104 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] at communitycommons.StringUtils.generateCommonLangPassword(StringUtils.java:313) 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980110 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] at communitycommons.StringUtils.randomStrongPassword(StringUtils.java:303) 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980120 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] at communitycommons.actions.RandomStrongPassword.executeAction(RandomStrongPassword.java:45) 2020-05-05T22:36:14.980145 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] at communitycommons.actions.RandomStrongPassword.executeAction(RandomStrongPassword.java:23)
Taylor Zavala
3 answers
What version of the community commons are you using? Because this function has been changed in the latest version of the community commons. The SAML module by itself does not generate the password for the account. You woulld need to do that yourself in that provisioning microflow. From the error above it looks like there is a double .jar file somewhere in your userlib. So I would check this directory first and remove that double jar file to see if it fixes this problem.
Ronald Catersels
That is a problem with having multiple version of the library org.apache.commons.lang3.jar in your user lib. Most times you have that one and also a newer version like commons-lang3-3.9.jar of the excel export module. If so, delete org.apache.commons.lang3.jar and deploy the project to eclipse, to check if there are no error. Make a clean deployment and start again.
Tobias Keil
Downgrading to Community Commons 8.1.0 has addressed this issue. Mendix Support is aware there is a conflict between CC version 8.2.0 and SAML module 2.0.