Security. Page access - Incomplete

Hello everyone,  I am trying to deploy my Mendix application on premise in a Virtual Machine, but I get the following a security error. After setting the security level to Demo, I’ve found out that the module security is incomplete.  Which is the reason why the page access is incomplete? I think I’ve set permissions/restrictions for all the pages in my project.    Thank you!
3 answers

Goto the module and open the security of that module and walk trhough the tabs. You probably selected some pages that are not necesarry because that page can not be opened by that role.





Hi Fernando.

You are seen yhe error in the project security section. But you have to solve it, in the security section of the module you are working on, by default myfirstmodule. There you will see just below "Domain Model", the security part of the module, check there that you have access to all the pages, microflows and nanoflows that you have created.


Hello everyone. I have the same issue and, unfortunately it seems I can’t get rid of the issue. It seems I can’t reach any page in a module different from my Main Module.

First picture: the structure of my project and the Navigation page. Please note no rules are present for InterModulePage.


Second Picture: Security view for the TestModule

3rd picture: Project Security, incomplete

Any help is much appreciated. 
