User roles not showing in the assign page

I am using modeler version 7.14. I have developed an app and that has 7 user roles. There are around 900 users with different user roles assigned to them. The app has been working fine for over a year now. Recently, after a couple of simple changes that I made, when I try to assign some user role to a user, the roles do not show in the list except for the Administrator role. The roles are there in the database. There is no issue with permissions of the database entity apparently. It’s just that they won’t show. As for the administrator role that is visible, when I try to assign that to a user, it throws an error. I have developed multiple apps on Mendix but this is the first time an issue of this sort has occurred. I am also attaching screenshots. Please support. Thanks
2 answers

Hi can you check is the User management is selected as all


Hi Asish. Thanks for replying. It seems to be working on the local system after checking this as All. I hope it works fine on the production server too. Thank you so much
