Hi all, how is the module security works in mendix? Although I’ve set the page access security as “not giving access to a certain page”, I can still access to the certain page through a microflow. (Page ×, Microflow✓ situation – able to access to a page) Is there any meanings or proper way of using two ways of access differently? Why wouldn’t there be an error? <Example> ・no access to a page “Employee_NewEdit” ・has access to a microflow which shows a page “Employee_NewEdit” An anonymous user who has no access to “Employee_NewEdit page”, can actually access to the page through a microflow which shows a page “Employee_NewEdit”. Hope you will take all the relevant factors regarding my situation into consideration. Thank you for reading all this questions and I would be very happy for any information. Regards, Yuki
Yuki Aibe
1 answers
Make sure to update the project security for those modules in your application.