SAML on mobile Webapp using Idp initiated logon

Hi all, I have SSO working on our domain desktops perfectly using the SAML 2.0 module.  We want to get this working on our mobile devices using Idp initiated log on.   So far we can direct mobile users to the page required (https://{idp provider}/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.aspx?loginToRP={app name}, but we get a SAML error when trying to direct users back to the site after authentication.  From the SAML Request errors, there appears to be no repsonse.  I have ticked the option in the SAML config to accept Idp initiated login.  I’m wondering if I am missing a claim somewhere, or Name ID settings, or something else. Has anyone had any success with getting this working using ADFS Initiated log on or another way.  As mentioned, SSO through the desktops is working fine. Cheers 
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