System.User/Blocked value causing “Attribute type false is not supported error

Hi All,  In my app I have a separate role 'Manager’ who should be allowed to create new users with the role 'Participant’ . However when a Manager creates a new Participant the System.User/Blocked value is set to false (which is the default value). When an Admin creates a new user this value is set to true. Update: My code does not set or change these values, it is default Mendix behaviour. I merely use the standard Account_New page from user management. When deselecting the Blocked value in the New Account screen as a Manager I get an error in my console: “Attribute type false is not supported. Error: Attribute type false is not supported.” When selecting and deselecting as an Admin I do not get this message. Both Manager and Admin have the Administration.Administrator role. Manager is set to manage users with 'Participant’ role and 'No user roles’. Does anyone know why I get the message and why there is a difference in default value of blocked? Cheers, Martin
3 answers

Blocked is a system boolean, which acts upon wrong login attempts and is set back to false after x period of time.

If you want to block a user to login as administrative measure, use the boolean Active.


Additionally to this; why create a USER by a manager, why not adding a participant, which will create an related account if needed and with right conditions under the hood?


Please check the access permission for admin & manager for Blocked Attribute. 


Tested myself in 8.9

  1. Created a new project
  2. Added a role Manager
  3. Assigned the Administrator role in System and Administration to the new Manager role
  4. Allowed roles: selected; none =>
    • Can create an account,
    • Selectable roles empty,
    • Blocked & Active Boolean input widgets read only and both false (empty)
  5. Allowed roles: selected; User
    • Can create an account,
    • Selectable roles: user,
    • Blocked & Active Boolean input widgets read only and both false (empty)
  6. Allowed roles: All
    • Can create an account,
    • Selectable roles: All roles,
    • Blocked & Active Boolean input widgets editable, Blocked = false, Active = true
  7. Administrator, same behavior as new Manager role when selectable roles = All


So, I can’t reproduce the strange behavior, which you do have. Correct my setup if I took a different path then you did

But I ran into the issue that an account with limited admin rights cannot write on the active and blocked attributes at all.  
