These are all the options we have got:
I don't know if Mendix had a reason to omit a password expiration period, but in general this is considered an iffy practice. The password is supposed to be something you know (in contrast to an optional 2FA code, provided by something you have). If you’re required to change a password every so often, it stops being something you know. People will start reusing the same passwords, maybe slightly changed (increasing a number in the password for example) or even worse, they will start writing it down on post-its. It’s no use trying to remember safe and/or complex passwords if you’re required to change them regularly. A password expiration policy seems safer, but in reality it may very well weaken security.
Seems to be working on my side.
What is happing when you chose an incident type? Nothing?
Maybe try a different browser of clearing your cache?
yes and that 's my question, why is password age missing?