I am guessing you have imported the Encryption and Community Commons modules as they are dependencies. Are you getting any information in the Mendix account view under failed login?
Finally, have you set it up by following these steps? If this does not help, maybe you can ask for logs from the LDAP side.
Import the LDAP synchronization module from the app store.
Also import the Encryption and Community Commons modules as they are dependencies. See the documentation for these modules on how to set them up.
Connect the layouts in the module to your own master layouts. Open the layout “Ldap.LdapDesktop” and select a new master layout in the properties pane.
Connect the microflow “Ldap.OpenLdapServersOverview” to your navigation structure. This microflow opens the administration screens that will be used to set up the module later.
Connect the LdapAdmin module role in the module to a suitable user role in the app. Typically, this should be a technical administrator role.
Add the “Ldap.ASu_StartLdap” microflow to your app’s after startup microflow to make sure the module is started when the app starts.
The rest of the configuration can be done in the running app. To proceed, you will need connection information for the LDAP server. This can be obtained from the LDAP administrator. You will need the following information:
The connection URL
The location on the LDAP server where the users are stored. This usually takes on the form "DC=<organization>,DC=<location>"
Credential to use for the connection. This should be a username and password.
Follow these steps to set up the connection:
Log in as a user that is allowed to access the LDAP administration page and navigate to that page.
Click the “New” button to add a new LDAP configuration
The various configuration options are explained on this screen. Enter the information obtained from the LDAP administrator in the corresponding fields.
For an Active Directory server as in the example, tick the “Is Active Directory” server box. This enables some AD-specific behavior in the module.
Tick the “Enabled” checkbox to activate the configuration.
In the “LDAP type” dropdown, select “Import the users from the active directory” to use the provisioning mode of the module.
In the “Map users to” dropdown, select your user account entity, which is typically “Administration.Account”.
Click the “Synchronization settings” tab at the top of the page. Here you select which users will be provisioned specifically.
In the “synchronization method” dropdown, select “Synchronize by group” to provision only users that are in a certain group.
Click “Refresh” in the grid below to update the list of groups available in the LDAP server
Select the group that contains the users you want to use in the Mendix app and click “Edit”.
In the popup screen that opens, you can map the group to one or more user roles in your app. This means that users in that group will get assigned to a certain role in your app.
Click the “Sychronize” checkbox to make sure this group is enabled for provisioning.
Click “Save” in the popup and “Save and Close” in the main screen.
Restart the app to make sure the LDAP configuration is properly loaded on start of the app.
Congratulations! Your users should now be automatically retrieved from the Active Directory periodically. You can configure the “Ldap.LdapSync” scheduled event to control precisely when this happens. To test, you can use the “Sync users for all servers” button in the main LDAP configuration overview.
See the LDAP Synchronization module documentation for more information on advanced settings and any options not covered by the default settings above, including the ability to map AD user attributes to Mendix user attributes.