Hello, Due to some regulatory requirements, I’d like to know if there’s a way on how to have the MxAdmin account configured in a nominal way for more than one person? I.e. instead of having one MxAdmin account, we would then have 2 or 3 accounts with the same privileges, but assigned to person A, to person B and to person C (PersonA_MxAdmin; PersonB_MxAdmin, etc.). Is this doable by just having X copies of the MxAdmin account (how?) and then deleting the MxAdmin account itself? Thank you for your help! BR
Gonçalo Conceição
2 answers
You can disable the MxAdmin account and create some Admin accounts (with the Admin role) that are related to a person.
Jop ter Horst
I think you always need access to your application through a ‘MxAdmin’ (always rename it!) account, as a failsafe.
Ideally you give the ‘MxAdmin’ account only rights to make other Admin accounts. If those accounts get reset, forget their password or people leave the company, you can always use the ‘MxAdmin’ account to make a new real admins.