How to explore some pages for anonymous user?

Hi, I am working a Mendix project which is a business system.   User need to login and do some operation by role. So, user must login firstly.      Howerver, there is a page (such as employee information form)  need send page link to all employees(they are not user in system and don’t  want to login) to fill. My understanding is these employee are anonymous user. In project security, if checked allow anonymous,  all page will not need login. How to config security solution of such project?      
1 answers

You should also create a ‘Anonymous’ (or whatever name you like) project  userrole and assign that userrole to Anonymous users.

Then in your module create a role ‘Anonymous’ and make your employee information form visible for this role.

In your project security give the project Anonymous the module role anonymous. In your navigation set up a role based homepage and choose this page. Make sure to add a sign in button and sign in page for users if they do want to login. 
