Login & Users

I have an app that I am almost ready to put into production and I have made all the changes in the modules to support the security model. The one thing that is not clear to me is how to actually create a user and assign them a role. Currently I am using the Free version, so if I understand correctly, for a Cloud deployment I would add a user from the Development Portal?    
3 answers

Have a look at the administration module that is available in your app.

From there you can create the users and assign them the roles they need. Additionally you can invite mendix platform users to your app by inviting them via the development portal.



I feel kinda dumb, as I did not know there was an admin section in my app. Of course when I put admin in the search, it came up. I will play with that and see if I can get it to work.


Again, Thanks!


If you get confused with module Administration, then replace it with module SystemManagement. SystemManagement is less confusing, has better entity definitions, better performance and a better logic.
