Security rule - Production level - Edit Module security button enable

I accidentally closed the Project/App security window  after done with the Administrator role for the entity access but before I was done with the other users under the Production Security level.  So it shows that the security configuration has been successfully configured and is complete. And the Édit Module Security button is disabled. And there are still errors shown in the error pane. How can I make changes to the entity access for the other users if the Édit Module Security’ button is disabled ? AI appreciate if someone helps me with this. Thank you.
3 answers

Kindly share screen shots of your issues. Ideally, there should be no issues, you should be able to go to module security and access tabs like Entity access, Page access etc.


This is the Project level Security window.


I think we can close this question. I was able to edit the Entity Access tab at the Module level.

Thank you for helping me with this.
