a query on signing in in a mendix app

I have created a login page on the app I made and selected it as homepage (because I have anonymous users enabled which makes sign in not required) I have also added the signup functionality, this all works fine but, when I try to login the login page accepts the username and the respective password but it redirects to the login page rather than go to the other pages I intend it to go to. what do I do here? I think the problem here is that I have used the login page as the homepage so, after logging in I am getting redirected to the homepage. if I change the homepage the login page is not showing up at all.
2 answers

You have set anonymous users to ‘allowed’, and assigned them a userrole, probably ‘Anonymous’. In doing so you allow them to roam your application and use all functions that you allow that role to do. So you need not assign the login-page as homepage, instead, you create an option for anonymous users to go to the login-page by their own choice. Most common option is to add a Log-in button in the navigation:



Have you set both the Authentication page and Home page in the Navigation settings?


